Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Books: 2015 Reading Challenge and Resolutions

Like any avid reader/book blogger, I've decided to set some reading goals for this new year. Some of them are pretty basic and general, others a little more personal. All in all, I'm want to write them down and set them in stone, per se, so that I actually have a reason to stick to them. I'm hoping that at the end of this new year, I'll be able to look back and see how well I stuck to these resolutions.
  1. The Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge. This year, after two years of setting a goal of 100 books, I'm reaching a little bit higher. My goal for this year is 120. I think this is a reasonable goal (about 10 books a month) but it still pushes me past my comfort zone. 
  2. Read more of the classics. Not because anyone is forcing me to, or because I have to for school. I want to do it because I want to. I have a bunch of classics sitting on my shelves and I want to be able to say that I've read them. 
  3. Reread, reread, reread! I've talked about this before, but as a book blogger, sometimes I feel pressured to read all the latest releases even when there are books on my shelf begging to be reread. This year I'm going to try to finally read those books I've been itching to reread, whether it's been one year or ten since I've read them last.
  4. More diverse books. Both in content and in authors. As I mentioned in a post earlier this year, I think it's so important to support diversity in literature because of the diversity of the world we live in. The more we support it, the more diversity there will be.
  5. Read more, buy less. Since becoming a book blogger and having my own source of income I've been spending a lot of money on books and then never getting around to reading those books. That's going to change this year. I really want to work on reducing the number of books on my TBR shelves.
That's it for me! I'm super excited for this year and I can just feel like it's going to be a good one, reading-wise and just in general. 

Have you set any reading resolutions this year? Are you planning on participating in the Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge? If so how many books do you want to read? Let me know down below in the comments!

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